The Impact of Factory Poultry Operations
National Experts Will Speak at Tonopah Town Hall Meeting, April 28th
WHAT Save Tonopah Oppose Poultry Plant (STOPP) will host experts from nationally-recognized industrial farming authority and community advocacy action group, the Socially Responsible Agriculture Project (SRAP), for a presentation and public discussion on the negative impacts of factory poultry operations on communities, public health, the environment and local economies. Public Q&A to follow.
Media availability post-meeting.
WHEN Monday, April 28th | 7:00PM
WHERE Saddle Mountain RV Park, 40902 W Osborn Rd, Tonopah, AZ 85354
(1/2 mile south of Interstate 10, Exit 94 (411th Avenue)
WHO Speaker panel
- Danielle Diamond, Esq.: Executive Director, SRAP
- Genell Pridgen: Regional Organizer and poultry production expert, SRAP
- Denise Luk, Esq.: Consultant, SRAP
- Howard Shanker, Esq.: Attorney, Shanker Law Firm, PLC
- Richard L. Strohm, Esq.: Attorney, Law Office of Richard L. Strohm, PC
Right now a 2.2 million-head poultry factory is being constructed within one-half mile from downtown Tonopah.
This facility is the source of grave community concern based on its extremely large size, its location and the industrial mode of animal production it will use. Local citizens are rightfully concerned about well water contamination, airborne pollutants, property devaluation and road degradation — all of which occur again and again across the country in neighborhoods where large-scale industrial animal feeding operations locate.
Will Tonopah be next?
I live in Tonopah and am active in a grassroots effort to discourage the Hickman family from building an 8 to 12 million egg factory near our downtown area. When you hear “Hickman Farms” the first thing that comes to mind is the manure stench and mass of flies that engulf neighbors of their Arlington plant. Residents in that area have complained to the County and Hickman’s, but nothing is being done. Hickman’s said that the Arlington plant was ˜state of the art’ — now they want to build another ‘state of the art’ plant near our homes and businesses.
Linda Butler, Tonopah resident, community leader for STOPP
For more information:
Linda Butler, STOPP 623-214-5328 Danielle Diamond, SRAP 815-403-0278