Illinois rural residents & environmental, community experts to provide legislators with real-world facts on the impact of industrial animal operations and what needs to be done about it
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WHAT: Â Â Â Illinois Senate Subcommittee on Confined Animal Feeding Operation Regulations will hear public testimony from Illinois farming community residents, national CAFO experts, environmental advocates and community action leaders. Legislators will receive research data & personal and professional testimony on the life-changing risks CAFOs brings to Illinois’ air, water and public health.
WHEN: Â Â Â Â Tuesday, November 7, 2017 | 9:00 a.m. CT
WHERE: Â Â Room 409, Illinois State Capitol Building| 401 S. Second Street, Springfield, IL 62756
— CAFO-impacted rural residents of Illinois
— Members of the community group, Illinois Citizens of Clean Air & Water (ICCAW)
— Representatives of the national nonprofit, Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP)
— Leadership of The Prairie Rivers Network
*NOTE: This event will be live-streamed. Interested media can access it at
Illinois agriculture needs change. Â The Chicago Tribune uncovered it. Â Now our legislators need to act.
The 2016 Chicago Tribune’s bombshell series, The Price of Pork, reported extensively on the rampant & out-of-control impacts of industrial hog industry on the people, land, air, water, economy & public health of Illinois. It was a wake-up call for the public — and a challenge to state regulators & legislators to create a healthier, more transparent and more sustainable agricultural industry in the state. Mega-animal operations have been destroying Illinois for decades. It started in our rural communities. But it will not stay there. The pollution, contamination, unregulated operating methods & lack of reasonable laws and enforcement of our regulations will eventually impact and harm every town, every city and every suburban and urban community in Illinois. It’s only a matter of time.
The Senate Subcommittee on Confined Animal Feeding Operation Regulations has an opportunity to make a difference that will impact all Illinoisans in a positive and lasting way. It can start November 7th.
For more information:
Karen Hudson, SRAP/ICCAW | Â 309-742-8895 | Â
Steve Masar, SRAP | 415-420-7527 |