Are Residents Worried About a Mega Dairy Coming to Smith Valley? They Should Be.
WHAT: A community meeting to learn about and discuss the health, environmental, air/water quality and economic risks of the large-scale industrial dairy planned for Smith Valley. Public Q&A to follow.
WHEN: Monday, October 27th | 6:00PM PT
WHERE: Smith Valley School, 20 Day Lane, Smith, NV
WHO: Kim Gattuso: President, Save Our Smith Valley
Denise Luk: National Coordinator, Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP)
Lynn Henning: SRAP Regional Associate and 2010 Goldman Environmental Prize award winner
Smith Valley is about to change — and not for the better.
Traditional, responsible ways of ranching and farming are seeing sweeping, negative changes across the nation. Sustainable family farms are being rapidly replaced by an industrial agriculture model — large-scale, polluting CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) just like the mega dairy currently under construction at the north end of Smith Valley. It’s a fact: the economic, environmental and public health risks associated with CAFOs are often harsh and life-changing for nearby communities. Smith Valley will be no exception.
Sponsored by Save Our Smith Valley and the national nonprofit Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, this public forum will present information, scientific research and national expertise to address local concerns and present options for residents to explore.
For more information:
Kim Gattuso
Save Our Smith Valley
775-848-4723 |
Steve Masar
Socially Responsible Agricultural Project
415-420-7527 |