February 24th event brings together state and national factory farm experts; highlights the latest legislative developments affecting industrial ag operations in Illinois
WHAT: The annual meeting of Illinois Citizens for Clean Air & Water (ICCAW) brings together factory farm experts and Illinois leadership seeking a healthy change for all Illinoisan. Topics include new information on concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) inventory mapping, contract farming and current legislative initiatives. Sponsored by Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP).
WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018 | Open to media 11:45am – 3:00pm CT
WHERE: Kickapoo Creek Winery | 6605 N. Smith Rd, Edwards, IL 61528
- Dr. John Ikerd | Author | Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri | Nationally recognized CAFO speaker
- Craig Watts | North Carolina farmer | Former Perdue contract grower | Contractor for SRAP
- Patty Lovera | Assistant Director, Food & Water Justice Food & Water Watch
- Danielle Diamond | Attorney & Executive Director, SRAP
- Karen Hudson | Illinois farmer | Co-founder, ICCAW |Regional Associate, SRAP
Illinois deserves change now. Illinois has been singled out by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the state’s inadequate factory farm pollution regulations. Thousands of confinement operations countless environmental violations force surrounding neighbors to live with polluted water, nauseating odors, public health risks and reduced property values. In a state where the actual total of CAFOs is not even known by the Illinois EPA, fundamental changes to the state’s laws are necessary and long overdue. The time is right to ask our legislature to step up and fix Illinois failed policies.
ICCAW’s Annual Meeting is sponsored by Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP), a nonprofit organization working in communities across the nation impacted by factory farms.
For more information, please contact:
Karen Hudson | ICCAW | SRAP | | 309-208-8846