Resident testimony to highlight first-time federal case against unchecked industrial ag pollution
WHAT — A public Federal court trial regarding violations of the Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) by Hickman Egg Ranch denying Maricopa County residents their lawful right to information and protection from health and safety impacts of hazardous air emissions
WHEN — Wednesday, October 17, 2018 | 9:00 a.m. (local time)
WHERE — Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse | 401 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85003
– Steve Brittle | Don’t Waste Arizona
– Members of Save Tonopah Oppose Poultry Plant (STOPP)
– Local residents impacted by the Hickman Egg Ranch
**STOPP is assisted by the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project**
What is EPCRA? The Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) was enacted by Congress in 1986 as national community safety legislation designed to aid local communities in the protection of their public health, safety, and the environment from chemical hazards. Provisions of the law were established to increase the public’s awareness and its access to information on chemicals at local facilities — their uses and releases into the environment. Working with information provided by the facilities, communities use EPCRA-enforced public information to improve chemical safety and protect community health and the environment.
What is at-stake? Since 2014, Maricopa County residents have registered multiple complaints and entered into several county processes to oppose the community impacts of the industrial-sized Hickman animal operations. Among the risks is the constant release of harmful high levels of ammonia into local air. Hickman operations stand within a few hundred feet of residences, businesses and natural hot springs, threatening air standards, quality of life, the use & value of surrounding properties and the public health.
Media Contacts:
Dan Mack, STOPP Inc. | 916-759-4291 |
Steve Brittle, Don’t Waste Arizona |
Steve Masar, SRAP | 415-420-7527 |