Media Alert: Tri-State Meeting to Educate and Train Communities Impacted by Industrial Animal Operations


  Be part of the solution to stop pollution  event brings together Indiana, Ohio and Michigan residents opposing the health & environmental toll of mega-livestock production facilities

WHAT: Tri-State Water & Air Quality Conference WHEN: Saturday, October 17, 2015 | 8:30am-3:00pm ET

WHERE: Madison Park Church of God, 6607 Providence Dr., Anderson, IN 46013

When the New York Times reports a story Toxic Algae Outbreak Overwhelms a Polluted Ohio River, it’s  clear that something is very wrong on the American landscape. The conclusion of their September 30, 2015 report: “What causes the blooms is clear: Tides of phosphates and nitrates, flushed into the river from fertilized fields, cattle feedlots and leaky sewers, provide food for the algae, which are actually bacteria.”

Every day, residents of Indiana, Ohio and Michigan suffer the harsh effects of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that foul their states. Far from the ‘family farm’ operations that they claim to be, these massive facilities and feedlots threaten public health, water safety, air quality and long-term economic stability. Many government agencies responsible for protecting the environment and the public appear unable or unwilling to stop the polluting. But there is something every citizen can do about it.

The Tri-State Water & Air Quality Conference offers information and expertise from Indiana CAFO Watch, Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, Hoosier River Watch and Food & Water Watch on how citizens can change the course of CAFO pollution in their communities. To view a full conference agenda, please click here.

This event is sponsored by Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, with special thanks to Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter.

For more information, please contact:
Barbara Sha Cox
Indiana CAFO Watch

Steve Masar
Socially Responsible Agricultural Project