Indiana CAFO Permits on Public Notice
This page lists public notice tips and pending livestock operation permits on public notice in Indiana. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) provides public notice for pending livestock operation permits.
Use your voice to alert IDEM of your thoughts on industrial livestock facilities by submitting public comments and requesting public hearings.
The public notice table is updated bi-monthly. We will do our best to give ample notice for every pending permit. However, given the nature of public notices and our capacity, we will, unfortunately, miss some permits on public notice. Last updated: May 2024
Tips on public notices and how to take action in Indiana:
Pending Indiana CAFO Permits on Public Notice
*CFO Renewals are not subject to public notice. The 33-day public comment period only applies to CFO Approvals.
**A CFO (Confined Feeding Operation) in Indiana is any regulated animal feeding operation. A facility is designated a regulated animal feeding operation if it meets a certain animal threshold. A CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) is a CFO that meets a larger animal threshold. CFO/CAFO animal threshold requirements.
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