ACTION ALERT: Don’t Let DNR Deregulate Smithfield CAFOs!


In Missouri, Smithfield CAFOs have a 30-year history of extensive pollution violations – and the DNR has a long track record of inaction. Now, Smithfield wants the DNR to weaken regulations for its largest CAFOs, further reducing oversight and setting a disastrous precedent to eventually deregulate all Class 1A CAFOs in Missouri.


DNR is accepting public comments on 10 Smithfield CAFO permits until June 21 – tell DNR to protect Missouri by denying these permits!

Email comments to:

Emails must include your NAME, EMAIL, and/or ADDRESS, and permit numbers of the facilities (provided below.)

Deadline: 5 PM CT, Monday, June 21.




Please accept my public comments on the following Smithfield permits currently on public notice:

Badger/Wolf/Brantley – MOG010882
Green Hills – MOG010887
Homan – MOG010880
Hedgewood – MOG010886
Locust Ridge – MOG010889
Ruckman – MOG010881
Somerset – MOG010888
South Meadows – MOG010885
Valley View – MOG010883
Whitetail – MOG010884

Given Smithfield’s 30-year history of spills and compliance issues and the DNR’s lack of responsive regulatory oversight and enforcement, I request:

  • A public hearing on the permits noted above.
  • An extension of the time period for public comments.
  • Denial of the permits noted above.

Thank you for your consideration of my comments.
