Help Stop Factory Farm Gas in Delaware!


On December 2, 2022, SRAP and several other organizations submitted public comments to Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control requesting the agency deny the permits for Bioenergy Devco’s proposed factory farm gas operation in Seaford. View the comments here.

Bioenergy Devco, a multinational corporation, wants to capitalize on Delaware’s industrial poultry industry by building a massive factory farm gas facility in Seaford.

If Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) approves the facility, it would truck 250,000 tons of poultry waste into Seaford each year, further polluting the state’s natural resources and threatening low-income communities of color that already face disproportionately high levels of pollution.

DECEMBER 2 DEADLINE: Tell DNREC to deny the factory farm gas permits! 

Here’s why DNREC should deny Bioenergy Devco’s factory farm gas permits:

  • Seaford is already victim to pollution caused by existing industry
  • There are no plans to conduct air and water quality monitoring to measure potential long-term health impacts
  • The impacts of introducing high truck traffic to the community have not been studied
  • An evacuation plan has not been created to protect residents in the event of a digester emergency, like a methane or hydrogen sulfide leak
  • Factory farm gas is a way for corporations to profit off industrial livestock production

If the project is approved, Delaware could become ground zero for factory farm gas production. We can’t let this happen. 

Take action!

Email your comment to by December 2! 

Learn more about the potential health and environmental effects of the proposed facility.

About SRAP

For more than 20 years, SRAP has served as a mobilizing force to help communities protect themselves from the damages caused by industrial livestock operations and to advocate for a food system built on regenerative practices, justice, democracy, and resilience. Learn more at